"It makes the perfect place for someone to be able to access mental health support in their local area, without having to travel into the city."
More Neighbourhood Mental Health Cafés are opening across Leicestershire.
Neighbourhood Mental Health Cafés offer local support for people who need immediate help with their mental health. The cafés are drop-in centres for anyone to come and talk about their mental health - no appointment needed.
Justin Hammond, Associate Director of Mental Health and Learning Disability at the Integrated Care Board, said: “This is an important project for the development of urgent mental health services across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Once all these 10 cafes open, we will have 25 cafés up and running across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
“These extra cafes mean that people who need urgent help can find this help more locally. People can simply drop-in to the cafes, so there is no need to get in touch with a GP or other service to make an appointment before getting help.”
In Hinckley and Bosworth a new cafe is opening in Earl Shilton and in Charnwood a cafe is opening in Syston.
Tracy Pollard, project manager at the RCC (Rural Community Council Charity Leicestershire & Rutland) said: “Having a Neighbourhood Mental Health Café in Syston will make a real difference to the town and the surrounding areas – with over 12’000 residents in Syston alone, and great access links to other local villages, it makes the perfect place for someone to be able to access mental health support in their local area, without having to travel into the city.
“We wanted to create a unique café, combining a welcoming, safe space for socialising, and a confidential area for individual support, where people can feel calmer and more confident about getting the help they need locally. Our rural coffee connect barista coffee van will attend each café, offering free hot drinks to anyone who comes along – a warm drink and a listening ear goes a long way in helping people feel more supported and positive about their future”.