A six-month-long examination phase will start later this year.
The Planning Inspectorate has accepted the application for the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange.
This means that during the next few months stakeholders, including the public, will be asked for their views.
A six-month-long examination phase will then start later this year.
The site for the Interchange is earmarked as 662 acres of land between the M69 and the Leicester to Birmingham railway line.
The approval of the application has disappointed Blaby District Council as they submitted an Adequacy of Consultation Representation which stated that the consultation failed to provide accurate detail and mitigation on impacts on highways and the landscape, as well as the extra barrier down time at Narborough Level Crossing in terms of its effects on both traffic congestion and air quality for residents.
Cat Hartley, Planning and Strategic Growth Group Manager at Blaby District Council, said: "We are disappointed the Planning Inspectorate have decided to accept this application in spite of our long-held and ongoing concerns. We will continue to scrutinise Tritax Symmetry’s proposals and present our views to the Planning Inspectorate as the application process continues."