Every household in Hinckley and Bosworth will be receiving a new bin collection calendar during May setting out how changes to bin collections will affect them.
The calendar is particularly important this year as many residents will soon see a change in collection days for their refuse and recycling bins.
Residents are being urged to make sure they read the information on the calendar and take note of any changes to when their refuse and recycling bins are emptied – and, importantly, to make sure they don’t throw the new calendar away.
The changes start from Monday 11 June. All recycling and refuse collections will continue on the current collection days until then.
The new calendar gives residents important information about changes to bin collections. For some residents this may mean they need to put their bin out on a different day from 11 June, or they may have an extra collection because the time between their recycling or refuse collection is longer than usual so residents are urged to read it carefully and keep it for future reference.
The calendar sets out collection dates for the black, blue lidded and garden waste bins so that residents can clearly see how the changes will affect them.
The Borough Council has reorganised the collections to improve the overall efficiency of the waste and recycling collection service, with rounds redrawn to reflect new homes built around the borough since the last time rounds were reviewed nine years ago.
Residents are also reminded that bins must continue to be placed out by 7am on the day of collection. This is particularly important as the time when waste is collected is likely to change for many streets, even if the bin day hasn’t changed.
From 25 May residents will be able to check bin collection dates throughout the year in their area.