The document makes a compelling case for re-shaping councils across Leicestershire
A detailed road map setting out the benefits of re-shaping local government in Leicestershire has been published.
The draft, 100-page blueprint compares different options and concludes that one, single unitary council – bringing together the eight county and district councils - offers the best opportunity to save money, reduce duplication and protect front line services.
Last summer, council leader Nick Rushton, said he wanted to “start a conversation” about re-drawing local government in the county.
In my view, unitary local government works. Creating a council fit for the 21st century would save £30m each year, improve services, reduce confusion and duplication and get a better deal for our residents.
Person:Nick Rushton, county council leader
Local government still faces severe, long-term financial challenges – and these are likely to get worse since the Government is having to delay its fair funding review.
Add in the backdrop of national uncertainty, and that’s why we need to be ready for a new Government and a new domestic policy agenda, particularly if it continues to be dominated by tackling the shortage of funding for local services.
I look forward to hearing the views of the Scrutiny Commission and hope that in December, the county council can agree a settled position.
An independent review of the draft strategic business case by Price Waterhouse Coopers says it represents a sound basis for presenting potential savings and planning next steps.
The document will be discussed by the cabinet on Tuesday, 22 October - watch the meeting
If approved, it will be considered by the Scrutiny Commission on 30 October, the cabinet on 22 November and the county council on 4 December.
Read the strategic business case below: