The Heart of England Community Boxing Club in Burbage have won a huge sum for relocation of the club.
The Heart of England Community Boxing Club in Burbage have won a competition to win £200,000 which they will spend on a new gym.
The boxing club's current base, on Coventry Road in Burbage, has been earmarked for a housing development.
The Heart of England Community Boxing Club won the public vote of the Persimmon Homes Healthy Communities Competition.
Here's Nick Griffin who runs the club talking to Mark Rowley on the Breakfast Show this morning, he was understandably quite emotional.
The Midlands house builder is donating £600,000 to help young people into sport during 2018. It received more than 5000 nominations from across the country and 30 clubs, including The Heart of England Community Boxing Club.
Nick Griffin from Heart of England Community Boxing Club said: "The gym will keep 50+ odd young people off the streets every week of the year and it would be awful to have to close the club. The club instills boxing discipline within growing number of youngsters. The club is looking to grow and develop training further, improve equipment, improve facilities and most importantly find a new home."
The club will begin the move to their new premises this weekend.