Visitors to Bradgate Park are being told to wear gloves to pay for parking as machines are not contactless.
Bradgate Park and Swithland Wood in Charnwood have agreed to re-open after the Government said people would be allowed unlimited exercise from the 13th May.
The Trust which runs the parks said that the Visitors Centre and Tearooms would not re-open and that all visitors would need to socially distance from others.
A spokesperson said: "Please be aware, whilst we appreciate people have missed visiting Bradgate Park and Swithland Wood (and with weather improving) we ask people review how busy the sites are and consider coming another day if needed. Please be considerate to neighbours if car parks are full and do not park dangerously on surrounding roads."
The visitor car parks will be opened daily by 9am. However, Visitors will be asked to wear gloves when using the car parking machines as many do not allow for contactless payments.
The Trust said: " The only machine that takes contactless card payment is at Newtown Linford, near the bridge to the Conservatory Tearoom. Unfortunately, despite extensive efforts since the start of the year, we have been unable to get the card machine as we advised at Hallgates commissioned. All other machines take coins. Machines will be sanitised throughout the day by staff, but help keep others safe by wearing gloves."
The park's toilet blocks will be open with only one cubicle available to ensure social distancing.