"We remain a well-run council and have saved £262m since 2010 - but spiralling costs and service demands mean this is still the toughest budget we’ve ever faced."
Leicestershire County Council has announced its latest budget proposals as extra Government funding is going to be allocated.
The extra funding means the council will now use £6m of reserves rather than up to £12m which was previously stated to balance the books for next year.
A three per cent Council Tax increase for core services - and a two per cent increase in the adult social care precept – generating in total £18m more for front line services - is planned from April.
Council leader, Nick Rushton, said: "It’s good news that the Government has listened to local government’s very real and pressing concerns, and we welcome the extra funding.
"It halves the reserves we need to use to balance the books next year. But it’s far from a sustainable solution and does nothing to help with the budget shortfall in later years.
"We remain a well-run council and have saved £262m since 2010 - but spiralling costs and service demands mean this is still the toughest budget we’ve ever faced."
In February, residents will asked for their views on proposals to use an extra £100k to keep Shepshed waste site open two days a week.
Councillor Blake Pain, cabinet member for waste, said: “Despite these challenges, we’ve listened and responded to people’s concerns – we’ve heard just how important waste sites are for our residents and are proposing to scale back plans and keep the Market Harborough and Shepshed sites open part time.”
The four-year budget plan includes:
A £6m budget shortfall next year – rising to £33m in 2026, £60m in 2027 and £83m in 2028
£127m more mainly to support vulnerable people – to pay for more home and residential care, and support people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities and mental health needs
An extra £113m - to cover inflation and the National Living Wage increase
£39m of savings – including redesigning services, reducing the cost of back-office support services by maximising digital technology and smarter procurement
An extra £400k to help the council do more to tackle flooding - after 500 homes flooded across the county in the wake of Storm Henk in the New Year
£2.7m money to maintain roads and fix potholes - including £2.2m of Government ‘Network North’ money