A new tri-service station in Coalville which is now home to three 999 services has officially opened.
A ceremony took place to mark the completion of two years of work which now sees the East Midlands Ambulance Service, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue and Leicestershire Police under one roof.
East Midlands Ambulance Service crews from Coalville station moved into the premises, just across from their old station back in March and have now settled into their new home alongside their emergency services’ colleagues.
Richard Henderson, Chief Executive for East Midlands Ambulance Service said: “Not only is this new building and its modern facilities such an improvement on our old ambulance station, but by physically sharing a space together it will undoubtedly build on our relationships and understanding of one another’s organisations and work we do to support our communities..
“The nature of our work means we often work together, however our three services have also responded to significant, traumatic multi-agency incidents over the decades – from the Kegworth Air Disaster 30 years ago, to more recent incidents such as the Hinckley Road explosion and the helicopter crash in Leicester. We have worked even more closely with our colleagues in the fire service more recently as part of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. They have taken part in training to support our Urgent Care Service by driving our vehicles and helping us to attend to our patients in times of great pressure on our service. Therefore, sharing a base here will only further cement our already good working relationship.
“Special thanks need to go to everyone involved in this project from all three organisations. They have all had a different role to play and their collective and flexible approach has been paramount in achieving success. I commend them for their tireless efforts in helping to bring the three services together.”
Chief Fire and Rescue Officer, Rick Taylor, said: “Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service welcome our blue light partners into this modern shared facility. These arrangements will reduce the revenue costs for all partners.
“The Fire Crew at Coalville Fire station have had to compromise on the space that was originally built for their sole use, but we all recognise the need and benefits of collaborative working. All blue light services are here to serve our communities, and I hope our communities acknowledge our commitment to them. This shared facility will hopefully be replicated to ensure other collaboration can take place across our service area.”