The Planning Inspectorate dismissed the appeal based on three main factors.
As well as the housing, there were also plans to extend Sketchley Meadows Business Park up to 30,000 square metres.
Yet the inquiry rejected the appeal based concerns over road safety and adding further congestion to Watling Street, biodiversity, and the character of the area.
The inquiry was held over Zoom on 9-12 and 15-19 March 2021, with the decision not released until after the May 6th local elections.
The initial application by Barwood Development Securities Ltd was refused back in May 2020 with Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council's planning committee advised by planning officers that it should be refused based on Burbage Parish Council's Neighbourhood plan.
Said Neighbourhood plan was submitted in an extraordinary meeting of Burbage Parish Council.
John Woolcock BNatRes(Hons) MURP DipLaw MRTPI, the Inspector appointed to oversee the inquiry said in his decision,
"I have considered whether and to what extent the following weigh in the planning balance; the effect on heritage assets, agricultural land, the living conditions of neighbouring residents, and on local services and infrastructure. There is also a dispute about whether HBBC (Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council) can demonstrate a five-year housing land supply. I have taken into account the benefits of the appeal scheme in determining whether any adverse impacts of the proposed development would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits."