There's a need for volunteers in Hinckley and villages such as East Goscote in Charnwood.
A call has gone out for more people to join the tree warden scheme, as the county council has started an initiative to plant 700,000 trees across Leicestershire.
There are currently over 87 tree wardens who help to organise tree planting in their communities, as well as helping to monitor and care for trees.
There is a particular need for volunteers in the areas of Hinckley, villages such as East Goscote in Charnwood and Harborough.
Richard Ellison has been the tree warden for Wymeswold for six years, during his time he has organised tree planting in the village as well as setting up a woodland area.
He said: “Basically, the role involves getting yourself known in the community and people then come to you to ask any questions about trees in the parish.
“I would recommend being a tree warden and getting involved in the tree network – a group of like-minded people always have strength.
“I’d like to see more tree and hedge planting, this part of Leicestershire is poor when it comes to good quality hedges. Hedges stem from the 1700s and enclosures of land with hedges and trees in hedges were mainly Ash and Elm. Elm disappeared about 30 years ago and now Ash are dying because of Ash Dieback Disease, so there’s a real need for getting more trees planted to replace the Ash trees.”
For more information about the tree warden scheme and how it could benefit your parish/town council, contact your local tree warden coordinator at: EnvironmentTeam@leics.gov.ukOpens another website in new window