If successful, the money would be used to create ‘The Lyceum’, a new skills and arts building within the Belvoir Shopping Centre.
North West Leicestershire District Council (NWLDC) are asking businesses to show their support for a Levelling Up Fund bid.
It's being submitted in a partnership between the council, the owners of the Belvoir Shopping Centre, Gylo and Stephenson College.
‘The Lyceum’ would include:
- Further Education and training in association with SMB Group (Stephenson College), bringing the college into the heart of the community and providing a visible and welcoming access point
- Theatre, dance, comedy, film and music performances including gigs by local and touring bands
- Conferences, exhibitions, community events and gala dinners
- Health and wellbeing related classes and drop-in sessions
- Museum and gallery space
- A large and attractive café / eatery which will open out onto a new outdoor community space.
Councillor Richard Blunt, Leader of NWLDC, said: “We are as committed as ever to regenerating Coalville and this is a new opportunity for us to put exciting plans forward which show our vision for the town.
“If successful this new arts centre will complement the regeneration plans the new owners for the Belvoir Shopping Centre already have in mind, as well as Newmarket which is very near completion and the fantastic facility that’s recently opened on the Snibston site.
“Funding bids like this are always over-subscribed and it’s very important that we maximise local support to show that our community is right behind this important project.”
Nick Harcus, development adviser to Gylo, the owners of the Belvoir Centre said: “We’re delighted to partner with the council and the college, and firmly believe that re-purposing some of the existing retail units in the Belvoir Centre with The Lyceum will be a highly positive result for Coalville town centre.
“Successful town centres throughout our country revolve around an attractive mix of shopping, educational, cultural, leisure and hospitality uses. The Lyceum will help achieve that and will be a fantastic addition to the town. We are fully committed to its delivery should the bid be successful.”