The council have said there's been 'an increase in anti-social behaviour seen across the Borough in the past few years'.
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council has revealed that they spent nearly £70,000 during 2021/22 on repairing damaged properties due to anti-social behaviour.
£36,308.30 of this can be recovered because of a tenant breaching the terms of their tenancy agreement.
The council have said there's been 'an increase in anti-social behaviour seen across the Borough in the past few years'.
Councillor Clare Golby, has introduced several new measures to try and improve the situation and two specialist teams have been created.
Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Communities, Cllr Clare Golby, said: “Anti-social behaviour is a scourge on our communities. When I came into this position I was shocked at the lack of willingness by the previous leadership to take action against perpetrators.
“When I said we would take a more zero tolerance approach, I meant it.
“Not only does anti-social behaviour negatively affect people in their own homes, but it comes at a high cost to the hard working taxpayers in our borough and that’s not acceptable.
“My housing teams have been happy and eager to get stuck into this new way of working and are doing a great job. The message I have for those causing trouble in our communities is you don’t get a free ride anymore.
“We’ll deal with anti-social behaviour and criminals in our property in the strongest way possible, you could end up with nowhere to live or in prison and we’ll come after you for costs of repairs, too."
The Neighbourhood Team are solely responsible for dealing with tenant-based issues and is made up of three dedicated Officers who specifically target ASB and neighbourhood/ estate problems.
The ASB Officers have a strong community involvement, carrying out estate inspections and walkabouts with the Police on a regular basis, ensuring that residents' views are listened to and acted upon. The team also look at wider ways to help eliminate crime across the Borough.