A new bin collection schedule starts in Hinckley and Bosworth from Monday 11 June, with some residents seeing a change in collection days for their refuse and recycling bins.
Once the changes are completed, the pattern will resume with all households receiving their black bin collection one week and their recycling bin the next – on alternate weeks.
Every household in the borough was sent a new collection calendar in May, but residents who are unsure about the new arrangements can use their postcode to check their bin day online.
Use your postcode to check your new collection calendar online at www.hinckley-bosworth.gov.uk/collections
The re-organisation will see the waste collection rounds run more efficiently, with rounds redrawn to reflect new homes built around the borough since the last time rounds were reviewed nine years ago.
Residents are also reminded that bins must continue to be placed out by 7am on the day of collection. This is particularly important as the time when waste is collected is likely to change for many areas, even if the bin collection day hasn't changed.