They've raised the bail money to £2,000.
Today the Chief Executive of Hinckley & Rugby Building Society, Colin Fyfe, will be ‘imprisoned’ in a bid to raise money for Comic Relief.
Originally the company set a target of £1,000 to release the CEO but this has now been raised to £2,000.
Colin Fyfe, said: “I’m really looking forward to this challenge and hope our efforts are rewarded with a substantial donation to the charity. The Comic Relief fundraiser is something the Society and its staff look forward to each year and we enjoy thinking up interesting ways to raise money for a charity that supports so many projects and organisations on our doorstep and around the world. Hopefully, my colleagues, family and friends will dig deep to donate and release me from jail!”
Anyone who wishes to donate can do so via the Just Giving page: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/hrbsjailbreakforcomicrelief
Progress on the ‘prisoner’ will be posted on the Society’s social media pages throughout the day and can be tracked using #HRBSJailBreak.