The Mental Health Triage Car service in Leicestershire has been shortlisted for the Seni Lewis Award 2024 at this year’s HSJ Patient Safety Awards.
The service is a partnership between Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT) and Leicestershire Police.
Between 08.00hrs and 02.00hrs, 365 days a year, the Mental Health Triage Car service provides ‘on-the-scene’ assistance from mental health specialists at LPT, to individuals potentially experiencing a mental health crisis in public places.
Samantha Wood, Head of Service for Mental Health – Inpatients and Urgent Care at LPT, said: “We are very proud that the partnership we have with Leicestershire Police has been recognised for improving the safety of people struggling with mental ill health. Better communication and information sharing between us ensures that appropriate support and advice is available in the right place at the right time, often preventing individuals who are in distress from coming to harm or ending up going down a criminal justice route.”
It works with other healthcare and support services to ensure individuals are helped to a therapeutic and health-based facility rather than being taken to police custody.
Leicestershire Police has reported that the service has effectively halved the number of individuals detained on emergency police powers under the Mental Health Act.
Barney Thorne, Head of Mental Health for Leicestershire Police, said: “It is valuable to all of us, that the Mental Health Triage Car has been recognised in being nominated for this award. The service puts our communities at the heart of what we do in ensuring we can provide care for people in a crisis situation. The Mental Health Triage Car was originally piloted in Leicestershire over 10 years ago and has ensured there is a high standard of care shown by Leicestershire Police to individuals where there are concerns around their mental health. The service is a fantastic example of what partnership should and could be.”
Winners will be announced during the awards ceremony at Manchester Central, on 16 September 2024.