Labour GAIN from Conservative.
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02:00 --Labour GAIN from Conservative. Jodie Gosling is now the MP for Nuneaton.
General Election 2024 - Nuneaton result
Jodie Gosling - Labour: 15,216
Marcus Jones - Conservative: 11,737
Robin Howard - Reform UK: 9,059
Keith Kondakor - Green Party: 2,894
Joy Salaja - Liberal Democrats: 1,340
John Homer - Workers Party: 967
Turnout: 57.51%
The seat had been held by a Conservative since 2010.
Candidates in the Nuneaton constituency (in alphabetical order).
- Jodie Gosling - Labour
- John Homer - Workers Party of Britain
- Rob Howard - Reform UK
- Marcus Jones - Conservative
- Keith Kondakor - Green
- Joy Salaja - Liberal Democrats