It is part of their Borough Plan review.
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council is carrying out a ‘Call for Sites’ to help identify land for future allocation within the Borough as part of the emerging Borough Plan Review.
Landowners and developers are being asked to submit sites that they think would be suitable for development to help meet the future needs of the Borough up to 2038.
The sites can be promoted for housing (particularly those accommodating 5 dwellings or more), employment, gypsy and traveller use, mixed use or for other uses where there is a demonstrable need, such as cemetery land.
The Council is particularly keen to receive submissions for underused or vacant land within the urban areas to help meet the Council’s future housing needs.
Cllr Richard Smith, Portfolio holder for Planning and Regulation said:
“We are working hard to ensure our Borough Plan reflects the needs of our community. We are eager to ensure we have looked at every opportunity to enable and encourage appropriate development of land in our Borough.
“We want to hear from anyone who thinks they may have a plot of land available for development. We are open to suggestions regarding all types of land but particularly sites in our Borough which have been used before and perhaps have outlived their current use.”