"Bringing back this temporary closure for the 2023 peak season is only going to benefit the area and protect the wildlife."
A section of Beacon Hill Country Park is going to be closed for the summer to help protect wildlife.
Jewels Hill which is in the country park was first closed during the peak season in 2021 to help improve the conservation of the fragile heathland.
The beauty spot in Beacon Hill will be closed again between the 1st of April and the 1st of August as ecologists monitoring the area have seen that the undisturbed grass and vegetation have created small micro-climates ideal for insects, birds, lizards and plant growth.
Last year, a spotted flycatcher, ring ouzel and song thrush birds were seen at Jewels Hill for the first time.
These birds have either red or amber conservation status which shows that preservation plans are working well.
Councillor Lee Breckon, lead member for property and resources, said: “Protecting the environment and supporting sustainability is becoming more and more important to organisations and individuals across the county.
“It’s extremely rewarding to see one of our most popular country parks benefiting from this initiative, giving nature some space to breathe.
“Bringing back this temporary closure for the 2023 peak season is only going to benefit the area and protect the wildlife which we know will see Jewels Hill’s eco-system continue to thrive.
“I want to thank park visitors for their continued support during this short period and for playing their part in helping to boost the ecology of the area and achieve a more active heathland.”