The school, on land off Normandy Way, would accommodate up to 210 pupils.
Leicestershire County Council has submitted a planning application for a new primary school in Hinckley.
The proposed school will have seven classrooms, a specialist teaching room for practical subjects such as cookery, a hall, library, garden, and wildlife area.
Councillor Deborah Taylor, the cabinet member for children and families, said: “Providing new schools places across the county is a top priority for us in order to meet the expected demand, particularly in the Hinckley area as the town expands.
“This school will be modern and environmentally friendly, and I look forward to seeing further updates as construction gets underway”.
The planning application will be considered by the authority’s Development Control and Regulatory Board on Thursday 11th August.
If the board approves the plan, construction work is expected to begin on site in September this year, with an expected opening date of September 2023.
Most of the expected £6 million cost is being provided by developers Bloor homes.
Once complete, ownership of the school will be transferred to Leicestershire County Council and will be run as an academy.