If the application is approved, work could start in early 2024.
A planning application to redevelop a sheltered housing complex in Thurmaston into nine new bungalows has been submitted by Charnwood Borough Council.
The proposal is to create nine bungalows on St Michael’s Court, in Melton Road.
If the application is approved, work could start in early 2024, with the aim of the bungalows being available in the winter of 2024/25.
The application can be viewed on the Council’s website.
Charnwood Borough COunicl said: "The proposed bungalows have been designed for people with mobility issues.
"St Michael’s Court was built around 1970 and no longer meets the needs of older tenants. The complex comprises mainly of bedsits with shared bathrooms which are difficult to let.
"The ageing sheltered accommodation also has long corridors which are difficult for people with mobility issues.
"Data from the housing register has shown that people need ground floor accommodation, and the proposed bungalow scheme will meet that need."