An application for 140 homes to be built off Sketchley Lane in Burbage has been refused.
An application for a new housing estate and an extension of Sketchley Meadows Business Park have been turned down by Borough councillors.
It had been earmarked for approval but last minute concerns were raised after an extraordinary meeting of Burbage Parish Council where the draft Neighbourhood Plan was submitted.
Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council's planning committee was advised by planning officers that the planning application should be refused based on the Parish Council's Neighbourhood plan.
Council officers said in the report: "The application proposes commercial and residential development on areas identified as a Green Corridor. The Green Corridors have been identified as important areas that should be protected due to their contribution to the character of Burbage. The development would neither protect nor enhance the Green Corridor and therefore the development is contrary to Polices 1 and 9 or the Burbage Neighbourhood Plan."
A spokesperson for the developer, Mr Coleby, told Councillors on the planning committee meeting: "We're disappointed that this application has now been recommended for refusal. We were only advised of the officers change in recommendation and shown the neighbourhood plan information this afternoon and we think it is only reasonable therefore that this item be deferred tonight so that we have a chance to discuss the concerns with your officers and make revisions to meet those concerns."
Cllr Furlong, a member of the committee, said it seemed that a quirk of timetabling had saved this piece of land in Burbage.
The application was refused by members who were holding the first meeting of the planning committee remotely via video conference due to the coronavirus pandemic.
You can watch the full meeting here.