Role provides stability for 16-year-olds and over who are in care
The county council is looking to recruit supported lodgings' providers who make a huge difference to the lives of 16-year-olds and over who are in care . . . just by welcoming them into their homes.
Two young people, Georgia, 22, and Myles, 20, are siblings who have been living in supported lodgings since they were 16. They both praise the stability and family environment which the scheme offers.
Georgia’s supported lodgings provider is Sandra, who said: “When Georgia came to us, she was hardly at school. Now, she’s gone on to get really good GCSE results, has done her A-levels and is now at university.
“I suppose people can be put off perhaps by thinking, ‘it’s teenagers’. They tend to get an awful bad press, but Georgia's just fitted in as part of our family.”
Supported lodgings foster care is a rewarding and flexible way to support an older teenager or young adult, and give them a helping hand into adulthood.
“If you could make a life changing difference to a young person in care, I would encourage attending our next ‘find out about fostering’ event to meet staff and current carers who can talk through the different ways to foster
Person:Ivan Ould, county council cabinet member for children and families
Supported lodgings providers receive ongoing, regular support and a weekly allowance, but can also be in employment, providing they are generally available to the young person.
It’s also this time of the year when providers are much in need to support the youngsters with tasks such as managing money, cooking and laundry, developing life skills and building confidence.
To find out more about the event on Thursday, 28th November, please call the fostering team on 0116 305 0505 or visit: www.leicestershire.gov.uk/supported-lodgings