Year 6 children up and down the country learn which secondary school they will attend for the 2024/2025 academic year today.
Thousands of children across Warwickshire have been offered places for secondary schools today (Friday 1 March).
This year, 7,172 Warwickshire children applied for a secondary place by the application deadline of 31 October, an increase of almost 7% on the previous year.
Of those, 81.4% have been offered a place at their first-choice school. A further 13.9% have been offered a place at another of their school choices, meaning 95.3% have been offered a place at one of their top three preferred schools.
Cllr Kam Kaur, Portfolio Holder for Education at Warwickshire County Council said: “The growth in secondary school applications this year shows how popular our excellent schools are with families, and I’m delighted that so many children are being offered one of their preferred schools today. Meeting the challenge of growing demand for more housing has been one of our core education priorities and I am pleased we have been able to strategically plan for the creation of more provision across the county.
“The new arrangements, where we’re accepting places on behalf of parents, will also make the whole process as simple as possible, meaning less work for parents and carers to do, and allowing the admissions team to focus more of their time on placing children in schools.”
More information for parents and carers on school admissions is available at: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/admissions