The product was found to have a plug that was not compliant with relevant safety legislation.
A product safety alert has been issued as Leicestershire Trading Standards have found a portable heater that could cause fires.
Trading Standards posted the warning on their social media and said that they have seen an increase in portable heaters being imported into the UK via East Midlands Airport.
Leicestershire County Council Trading Standards said: "One of the products was tested and alongside the many labelling issues the product was also found to have a plug that was not compliant with relevant safety legislation. The test report states that there would be a risk of fire or injury resulting from the inadequate plug.
"With the current economic climate, these products are going to be popular so beware where you purchase such items and always buy from reputable suppliers."
❗ Product Safety Alert❗ Trading Standards have seen an increase in portable heaters being imported into the UK via East...
Posted by Leicestershire County Council Trading Standards Service on Tuesday, November 29, 2022