In 2024/25, average bills for combined water and sewerage services from Severn Trent will be around £430 per year.
Severn Trent water company has confirmed that it will increase bills from April.
In 2024/25, average bills for combined water and sewerage services from Severn Trent will be around £430 per year. That’s an increase of 7%, and equivalent £28 a year.
A Severn Trent spokesperson said: “Severn Trent customers have the second lowest bill in England, receiving all clean and wastewater services for an average of £1.18 a day. We understand that household finances are stretched, so we have worked to keep this increase as low as possible, whilst making increased investment to secure a water supply for generations to come.
“We don’t want anyone to struggle paying their bill, which is why we have a range of help available to customers. More than 250,000 households are already being supported with our Big Difference Scheme and other financial support schemes help is available those who need it.”
Water companies set their charges according to rules set by the water regulator, Ofwat. These rules allow companies to increase charges by CPIH inflation.
Severn Trent has said that their average bill for combined water and sewage services remains below the industry average of £473.
In 2024/25 they have committed to:
- Complete an investment programme worth more than £2.5bn on network improvements and projects spanning the entire Midlands
- Support 315,000 people a year with paying their water bill, with up to 50,000 of these customers also receiving additional financial debt support
- Have created 1,000 new jobs in the region, including over 110 new skilled apprentices in 2024