The Ford Transit van has all-wheel drive which will make it easier to access roadside locations.
A new speed camera has been added to the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Road Safety Partnership's fleet.
The Ford Transit van has all-wheel drive which will make it easier to access roadside locations during the autumn and winter months.
It also has 360-degree and infrared camera technology that will increase the ability to identify offending motorcycles and the ability to monitor all vehicles during darker evenings.
Jonathan Clarkson, spokesperson for the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Road Safety Partnership said, “Since the first lockdown in 2020 we began to see a rise in speeding offences and this has increased as local traffic volumes have returned to pre-pandemic levels.
"The Road Safety Unit at Leicestershire Police is constantly dealing with very high volumes of speeding offences, however, whether it be via our fleet of speed camera vans, our fixed roadside speed cameras, the enforcement efforts of local Police officers and regular FATAL4 operations, we are committed to reacting to community concerns about excessive speeds and keeping the roads of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland safe for everyone.”