'Please help us to share these important messages and talk to your children.'
As the weather gets warmer Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council and Warwickshire Police are warning people about the dangers of swimming in open bodies of water.
Lakes, pools, rivers/canals and quarries are all open water bodies that can carry many dangers for swimmers and can be fatal.
The risk is especially high if you are swimming alone and have no one there to help you if you get into difficulties. There is also a risk to others who can lose their lives in attempting a rescue.
Dave Williams, Nuneaton and Bedworth Inspector from Warwickshire Police said: “We understand it can be tempting to go for a swim during the warmer summer months, but it is not worth the risk.
“Lakes, pools, rivers and quarries have many hidden dangers, and you can very quickly and easily get into trouble. Sadly, we have seen lives lost in these circumstances.
“Stay safe, stay out of the water."
The council have also warned that water is also often unclean and carries the risk of catching waterborne diseases such as Weil's disease- caused by rat’s urine.
Cllr Julian Gutteridge, Portfolio holder for Health and Environment said: “The safety of our residents and visitors is of paramount importance and we want to ensure that everyone can enjoy our parks and open spaces in the safest way possible. Please help us to share these important messages and talk to your children.”
If you see someone in difficulty in the water take these steps shared by the borough council.
Call for assistance from the emergency services.
Do not attempt to go into the water.
Instruct the casualty to keep still to maintain heat and energy.
Try to find something that will extend your reach, such as a rope, pole, branch or item of clothing.
Throw this or reach out to the casualty with it. Then, making sure that you are stable on the bank by lying down or getting someone to hold onto you, attempt to pull the person to shore.
If you cannot find something with which to perform a reach rescue, try to find something that will float, to throw or push out to them until assistance arrives.
Keep talking to the casualty to reassure them
If the rescue is successful the casualty will need to be kept warm and treated for shock and should be taken to hospital even if they appear to be unaffected by their ordeal.