There will be a one-way route around the site to keep to social distancing measures.
Twycross Zoo in Leicestershire is welcoming visitors back who have booked online today.
Zoos, safari parks and drive-in cinemas are set to reopen for business from Monday 15th June.
Twycross Zoo welcomed the news following a period of worry after being told that it could be closed 'indefinitely' and would be left to fight to save the zoo.
It costs over half a million pounds a month to keep the zoo operating and providing the care for their endangered animals.
Twycross Zoo's, CEO Dr Sharon Redrobe OBE, said last week: "The last few months have been a real rollercoaster, but the support we have received has been humbling and has left us yet more determined to fight every battle needed to ensure the survival of our 57-year old zoo."
More than a week ago, Twycross Zoo announced that it was extremely concerned for its future after the Government ordered them to remain closed.
Sharon continued: "This is an important day and one we will never forget, while we are delighted to be able to reopen safely it is only the first step in what will be a long and uncertain road to recovery, but this decision gives us hope. We need to continue to work hard now to secure vital Government funding for large zoos, to aid in the financial crisis we find ourselves in and protect our future."
Visitors will be asked to stick to strict allocated arrival times to ensure the limited number of visitors will be spread out around the zoo. Only those who have booked online in advance will be admitted.
Karen Clarke, Chief Operating Officer at Twycross Zoo, commented: "We are delighted to be finally welcoming visitors back to our award-winning zoo, though we will be remaining extremely cautious and keeping our staff, visitors and animals safe, will remain our top priority. We have been preparing for this day for some time and have implemented considerable changes to ensure we are a safe place to visit.
"Visitors and members have shown us enormous support during this period, and it will be wonderful to welcome them back safely to enjoy a day out next week."
They have published full details of the measures they are taking to keep people safe on its website which includes guests using a one-way route around the site to help visitors evenly spread, protection screens have been installed at all pay points and all food and refreshments will be served as takeaway options.