The NHS in Leicestershire has issued advice ahead of a hot bank holiday weekend.
GP's practices will be closed over the bank holiday but the NHS in Leicestershire is reminding people there are several other ays to access medical help if you need it.
The NHS is urging people to be prepared with supplies to treat common ailments such as coughs, colds, burns etc.
Dr Rowan Sil, local GP said: “One of the best ways to take care of yourself and your family this bank holiday weekend is to make sure your medicine cabinet is well stocked for minor illnesses and conditions such as coughs, colds, sore throats. As GP practices won’t be open on the Monday, self care is the best way to deal with many common health concerns you may have over the long weekend.
“If you need further help for anything that is not urgent, call NHS 111 or visit your local pharmacy. Both of these services are excellent options for dealing with any non-urgent medical concerns.”
Most pharmacies have consultation rooms where the pharmacist can advise you on self care treatments and give you advice on your medication. Pharmacists can also advise you check your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose, amongst many other things.
You can find the pharmacy opening times for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland here: www.bettercareleicester.nhs.uk/help-us-help-you