As Download Festival starts on the 14th of June, officers are asking that people let them know if they make a 999 call by mistake.
Leicestershire Police has reported that last year they saw a rise of nearly 700 extra 999 calls the weekend of Download Festival.
The police force has said the increase in emergency calls was due to wearable tech as the devices assumed that people in mosh pits had been in a collision, causing 999 contacts and abandoned calls.
As Download Festival starts on the 14th of June, officers are asking that people let them know if they make a 999 call by mistake.
Leicestershire Police, said: " All those calls must be assessed, and three outbound call attempts are completed to ensure there is no threat, risk or harm, taking our contact handlers away from answering the true emergency calls."
They have also recommended switching on ‘airplane mode’ or disabling emergency alerts on your wearable tech.