Communities in Charnwood are being encouraged to become #litterheroes and help give the borough a spring clean as part of a national tidy-up campaign.
The Great British Spring Clean is organised by Keep Britain Tidy and will be held across the country between March 22 and April 23, 2019.
Charnwood Borough Council is hoping residents will get involved and organise events to tidy up local areas over the month-long campaign. The Council is offering to help projects by providing free litter-picking equipment and organising the collection of rubbish and recycling.
Groups could arrange litter picks or undertake any other tasks which will keep the borough looking tidy. The Council is also arranging its own litter picks in key areas.
The focus of this year’s campaign is to collect and safely dispose of single-use plastic, but the Council is encouraging people to help remove as much general litter from the community, recycling as much as possible.
Councillor Leigh Harper-Davies, lead member of contracts said: “The Great British Spring Clean encourages and inspires local communities to get together and help clean up their neighbourhoods.
“The issue of single-use plastic has been well documented over the past few years. This is a great opportunity for communities to work together to reduce the amount of plastic and litter in the borough to help it look as beautiful as possible.
“We’re able to support a number of events so I would urge people to get in touch if you need our help.
“I would like to encourage organisations, clubs, schools, community groups, parish councils and residents in Charnwood to take part."
People are being urged to get in touch as soon as possible as the Council has a limited amount of equipment available.
The Council is being supported by partners Idverde which manages the Council’s parks and green spaces, and Serco, which runs the refuse, recycling and street cleansing service.
Schools are being asked to also get involved by taking part in the Great Big School Clean. Keep Britain Tidy is offering schools that take part the chance to win £1,000 worth of school equipment.
Individuals and groups are being asked to register their events at www.greatbritishspringclean.org.uk.
If you think the Council could support your event by supplying some litter picking equipment, please email cleaner.greener@charnwood.gov.uk.