Loughborough looked blooming lovely as it took part in a regional horticultural competition on July 9.
The East Midlands in Bloom competition judges visited the town to see how volunteers have demonstrated their pride and environmental responsibility for the local community.
Loughborough in Bloom is supported by several community groups, residents, businesses and organisations from across the town, including Charnwood Borough Council.
Cllr Jenny Bokor, lead member for Loughborough said: “It was great to once again welcome the judges to Loughborough and showcase what the town has achieved this year. We hope the judges enjoyed their tour of Loughborough and were able to find out more about the different projects in the community.
“Loughborough in Bloom really is a joint effort and I would like to thank everyone involved. Thanks also go to our open spaces partner, idverde and our waste contractor, Serco who both ensure the town looks great all year round.
“We’re keeping our fingers crossed for another Gold award!”
The East Midlands in Bloom result will be announced in October.
Britain in Bloom judges will also be visiting the town this summer after Loughborough was selected to represent the East Midlands in the small city category at the national awards organised by the Royal Horticultural Society.
To see some of the photos from the day, visit www.facebook.com/charnwoodbc