The bins are made from 100 per cent recycled plastic and are abvailable across Leicestershire
Residents have the chance to purchase a cut-price compost bin, in a bid to reduce the amount of food and garden waste sent to landfill.
People will be starting to tidy their gardens in preparation for the winter months and we are urging residents to recycle their garden waste at home and make an impact on the environment.
Organic waste that is sent to landfill cannot decompose properly because it doesn’t have any access to air and, instead, produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.
You can add things to your compost bin all year round, including the last grass clippings of the year, autumn prunings or the vegetable peelings from your Christmas dinner.
“The discounted bins are a great incentive to encourage more residents to get composting, which will have a positive impact on their wallets and the environment.
Person:Councillor Blake Pain, cabinet member for environment and transport
Compostable items include fruit and vegetable peelings, grass cuttings, coffee grounds, newspaper and cardboard which will all decompose in around a year. The resulting compost can then be dug back into the garden to provide nutrient rich food for the garden.
Residents can buy a discounted compost bin from as little as £11.50, with a second one offered at half price. The bins are made from 100 per cent recycled plastic and are available in two different sizes and colours.
For more details or to order a compost bin, visit www.getcomposting.com