Applicants can submit pictures of their gardens between now and the judging dates to ensure that they are being judged at their very best.
A gardening competition for green-fingered Charnwood Borough Council tenants has opened.
The event is run by the Borough Council and is open to nearly 5,600 tenants.
Cllr James Poland, the lead member for public housing, said: “The garden competition is a highlight on the calendar for our council tenants, who put in an amazing effort each and every year.
“We had to take a break in 2020 due to the pandemic, but we saw a record number of applicants in 2021, and we expect 2022 to be just as popular if not more so.
“Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, we would love to see your gardens. Please enter and let’s showcase Charnwood’s fantastic gardens this summer.”
There are six categories to enter:
- Best newcomer
- Fruit or vegetable garden
- Hanging basket, window box and balcony
- Sheltered court garden
- Communal or shared garden
- House or flat garden
Entries for the tenant garden competition need to be submitted by Friday, June 3 and judging will take place between July 11-15. The winners and runners-up will receive high street shopping vouchers as prizes.
Due to the changes in weather throughout the year and the effect that this can have on gardens, applicants can also submit pictures of their gardens between now and the judging dates to ensure that they are being judged at their very best.