The spotlight is being shone on the work of families supporting children in care.
It’s Foster Care Fortnight in Leicestershire and the spotlight is being shone on the work of families supporting children in care in Leicestershire.
The awareness campaign runs from 11th -24th May.
During the fortnight, Leicestershire County Council is celebrating the contributions of local foster carers and the difference they make to children and young people in care.
Lorraine, who has been fostering in Leicestershire for two years said: "We considered becoming foster carers over many years but the time never seemed right, what with our family and work commitments.
"As a result we were both aged over 50 by the time we started our fostering journey.
“Fostering a child has been one of the most challenging but rewarding things we have done to date, from his pure excitement and joy at getting his first matching tracksuit, through all the ups and downs of his emotional turmoils.
“All our hard work is rewarded by hugs and genuine smiles from the child. We can honestly say we would not change a thing.”
Ivan Ould, county council cabinet member for children and families said: "We’re always grateful to our incredible foster carers but particularly now, for providing much-needed support and stability for our children and young people when there is so much disruption to routine and change to everyday life. Thank you for everything you are doing.
“For anyone who has thought about fostering, and is now wondering more than ever about what you can do to help, we would encourage you to get in touch and find out more about making a difference to a young person who needs you.”