If you had an appointment booked for Monday your GP practice will contact you to rearrange this.
GP practices in Leicestershire will be closed on Monday 19 September, as a mark of respect for Her Majesty The Queen.
This means that GP practices are not making appointments for in-person or telephone consultations next Monday, which has been declared a national bank holiday.
However, people who need urgent health advice or care can still access services including NHS 111 throughout the bank holiday.
Dr Andy Ahyow, GP and Deputy Chief Medical Officer of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Integrated Care Board, said: “It is usual for GP practices to close on bank holidays and, on this occasion, it gives our staff the opportunity to pay their respects on the day of the Queen’s funeral. However, I would like to reassure all our patients that there will be other services available for anyone with an urgent health care need.
“If you already had an appointment for Monday your GP practice will contact you to rearrange this, but if your problem is urgent you can contact NHS111 online www.111.nhs.uk or by phoning 111, and they will direct you to the most appropriate service.”
Bank holiday opening times for pharmacists in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland are available at: https://www.england.nhs.uk/midlands/nhs-england-and-nhsimprovement-midlands-work/bank-holiday-pharmacy-opening-times/.
For mental health support, the Central Access Point (CAP), which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, can arrange for you to speak to someone who can assess your needs and provide advice or refer you directly to an appropriate service.
In Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland you can contact CAP on 0116 295 3060 and 0808 800 3302.