Residents and businesses are being encouraged to have a say about a plan which will shape the future of Loughborough.
The Loughborough Town Deal is aiming to secure up to £25 million of government funding to transform the town and has drawn up a draft investment plan which is now out for consultation.
The project is being led by the Loughborough Town Deal board involving a range of organisations, including Charnwood Borough Council, Loughborough University, Loughborough College, Love Loughborough, Leicestershire County Council, the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership, Charnwood Together Economy and Skills Group, local businesses and Loughborough MP Jane Hunt.
The draft investment plan outlines four areas of focus:
Physical regeneration and how Loughborough functions as a place
Equipping people, communities and businesses for the future
A smart, green Loughborough
Loughborough – ‘innovation city’, global national and regional destination
Charnwood Borough Council Leader, Councillor Jonathan Morgan, and Dr Nik Kotecha OBE, chief executive officer of Morningside Pharmaceuticals based in the town, are co-chairs of the board.
Councillor Morgan said: “The Town Deal is an extremely important opportunity for Loughborough, particularly as we need to stimulate the local economy and lead our communities out of the devasting effect of the coronavirus pandemic.
“The Town Deal was already important to the future of Loughborough, but it is ever more so now.
“I am pleased to present the draft investment plan which sets out a clear vision and identifies a range of areas to focus upon, including the need to revitalise the town centre, improve the skills of people living in the area, support and help businesses grow and build on our reputation for innovation.
“Improving living standards is also featured in the draft plan.
“However, it’s important to stress that this is still a draft document and that’s why we now need your views. Please tell us what you think of the plan, what you like or don’t like and what we may have missed.”
Dr Kotecha said: “Loughborough is bursting with opportunities for business and the community and the Town Deal offers an incredible chance for us to create something special for future generations.
“We have the potential to be a centre of excellence in a range of areas, including innovation and sport, and our location in the heart of the country makes Loughborough attractive to both people and businesses.
“The Town Deal has brought together a range of partners who share a common passion for Loughborough - to make it a better place for its people and its businesses.
“The draft investment plan is exciting, and I would hope people will spare some time to contribute to this journey we are on.”
Loughborough is one of 100 places across the country which have been offered the chance to bid for Town Deal funding to regenerate town centres, boost businesses and improve infrastructure and connectivity.
To have a say on the consultation, please visit www.loughboroughtowndeal.co.uk/consultation
The consultation closes at midnight on Sunday 5th July.