The Borough Council will increase its council tax charge for 2019/20 by a little under four per cent, following a decision of the full council at its budget-setting meeting on Thursday (21 February).
This means the average Band D council tax (including the Special Expense Area) for the Borough Council will increase by £5, resulting in a charge of £132.09 for the year.
This figure will be supplemented by the charges levied by Leicestershire County Council (£1,292.18), the Police and Crime Commissioner (£223.23) and the Fire Authority (£66.64).
Residents are reminded they can pay their bill annually, half-yearly or monthly. In a full year the monthly instalments will normally be paid from April to January, however residents can also opt to pay their council tax over 12 instalments if they prefer.
In 2017 the Government gave dispensation to those councils who have low levels of council tax (in the lowest quartile) to enable a rise of up to £5 a year, in recognition of their prudence.
The Borough Council for 2018/19 had the 14th lowest council tax set by district councils in the country and will remain well within the lowest quartile, even after it increases council tax by £5 for 2019/20.
The council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, covering the period up to and including 2023/24, also includes a commitments to make efficiency savings, as part of an agreement with central government to secure a four year ‘deal’ to ‘lock-in’ levels of government grant up to 2019/20.
Overall, this package of measures has enabled the council to plan with much more certainty over the four years to 2019/20, to operate a balanced budget, to maintain and improve services year on year, and to deliver other priority projects and initiatives suggested by local communities.
Councillor Mike Hall, Council Leader and Executive Member responsible for Finance, said:
This budget shows that the council has its finances under control and that is good news for our residents. We are able to continue to improve the range and quality of services that we provide, and also to invest in community facilities and activities.