Charnwood Borough Council has agreed to raise its share of council tax by 9p a week for a Band D property.
The increase will see the annual charge for an average Band D property rise £5 (4.27 per cent) to £122.09 from April 1, 2019.
The Loughborough Special Rate, paid by residents of Loughborough and the equivalent of a parish precept in villages, will remain at the same rate as £74.97.
The increase was agreed at full Council on Monday February 25. At the meeting 37 councillors were in favour of the increase, eight were against and there was one abstention.
Councillor Tom Barkley, lead member for finance and property services, said: “Our funding from Government has continued to decrease which means we need to raise our element of council tax.
“This increase will not cover the reduction in government funding as we are also planning to use our reserves to balance the books for 2019/2020. However, because of careful planning, our financial position remains strong which will enable us to continue offering excellent services for residents.
“As ever, the Council will continue to regularly look at its services to ensure they are running as efficiently as possible.”
Charnwood Borough Council currently has the 23rd lowest council tax charge out of 201 district councils in the country.
Council tax pays for a range of services provided Charnwood Borough Council, Leicestershire County Council, Leicestershire Police and Leicestershire Fire and Rescue and the parish council where you live (or Charnwood Borough Council for people in Loughborough).
The Charnwood element accounts for less than 10 per cent of the total bill.
For more information about the budget, see the February 25 report to Council.