Two men were taken to hospital for treatment.
Officers in Loughborough are continuing to investigate an assault on two men just off Margaret Keay Road on the university campus in the early hours of Saturday morning (18 May).
Leicestershire Police, said: " Police were called to the location shortly after 4am after it was reported two men, aged 47 and 52, were being attacked in the street. The suspects left the scene prior to officers arriving.
"The two men were taken to hospital for treatment but have since been discharged. Their injuries are not believed to be life threatening or life changing."
From police enquiries carried out so far it is believed the assault was carried out by two men who were attempting to gain access to a premises and the investigation remains ongoing.
Anyone with information is asked to report to police online at www.leics.police.uk or call 101, quoting crime reference number 24*291058.