Leicestershire Police want to make women and girls feel safer across the county’s parks and open spaces.
Work is underway to install surveillance cameras in Queen’s Park to improve the local area.
Leicestershire Police secured £550k from the third round of the Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund to make women and girls safer across the county’s parks and open spaces.
Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Commissioner Rupert Matthews, said: “I am delighted the people of Loughborough are benefiting from this funding with the installation of new CCTV cameras to boost their safety.
“Our colleagues at Charnwood Borough Council have hit the ground running to make sure these safety improvements are rolled out as quickly as possible to cut crime and make park users feel safer.
“We know from our pre-bid surveys that CCTV helps women feel less vulnerable and at risk. We have listened carefully to their experiences and the changes being brought will not only reduce the opportunity of crime but will help to boost the confidence of all those who enjoy this park in the near future.”
The money will be used for 31 new CCTV cameras and improved street lighting in parks across the area to deter crime and increase the chance of offenders being caught by police.
It will also fund improvement works to increase visibility and reduce seclusion in parks through the cutting back of undergrowth and foliage.
Installation work is set to begin mid-February and is due to be completed by the end of March.