A man has been charged with numerous offences which have taken place across the Hinckley and Bosworth area.
A man has been charged with numerous offences which have taken place across Hinckley and Bosworth.
Connor Hebden, 19, of no fixed address, has been charged with two counts of theft from a motor vehicle, two counts of vehicle interference and two counts of fraud ad burglarly.
One of the offences took place between 4 - 7th July in Stoke Golding, with the other taking place on 7 July in Bonneville Road, Hinckley.
The vehicle interference offences are alleged to have taken place on 7 July in Bonneville Road, Hinckley and Daytona Avenue, Hinckley.
The fraud offences happened on 6 July when he is alleged to have used debit cards which did not belong to him.
And, the burglary occurred between 5 and 8 July in Sword Drive, Hinckley, when a laptop was stolen.
The case will now be sent to crown court.