The county council's fighting against contaminated recycling.
A new film is urging people in Leicestershire to recycle right.
New footage has shown up to 4 thousand nappies are removed from the county's recycling everyday.
It's been created by the County Council encouraging residents to recycle right by showing them damaging effects of putting the wrong things in the wrong bins.
The two-minute video gives a behind the scenes look at what happens to residents’ recycling and focuses on the three main contaminants spoiling Leicestershire’s recycling bins; dirty nappies, textiles and food waste.
The film exposes the extent of contamination in Leicestershire and shows the harmful by-products of disposing of rubbish incorrectly.
Blake Pain is the cabinet member for environment and transport, he says "putting the wrong items in your recycling bin can contaminate good quality, recyclable material. Not only can this have a detrimental impact on our environment, it is time consuming to manage and costly to the taxpayer.
But by making sure we’re recycling right, by rinsing pots, tubs, jars, trays and bottles, placing dirty nappies in general waste bins and donating old clothes to local charity shops or clothing banks, we can work towards making Leicestershire a more environmentally sustainable place to live."