North West Leicestershire District Council’s Planning Committee voted in favour of allowing the current Go Local shop in Bondgate to change its use to a hot food takeaway.
It is now expected that Dominos, which according to the shop’s landlord and proprietor has shown an interest in purchasing the site, will negotiate a deal with the Go Local store.
A number of submissions were made both for and against the application, with the main concerns being traffic and a lack of customer parking. The proprietor of the shop itself submitted that he had concerns about the ‘long-term viability’ of his store and would like to be able to negotiate with Dominos.
Speaking about the decision, Chairman of Planning Committee, Councillor David Stevenson, said: “This was a very difficult decision for the committee and it was pleasing to see so many representatives of the Castle Donington community so engaged in the decision-making process.
“The committee weighed up the evidence and looked at the facts, including the submissions from the current shop owner, and felt it was to the benefit of Castle Donington that this site remains occupied and used into the future. The new hot food take away will make a positive contribution to the vitality and viability of the Castle Donington centre, so that it caters for all tastes
“The fact that the Highways Authority raised no concerns about the application also had a significant bearing on the decision.”