Plastics such as carrier bags, sweet wrappers, crisp packets and pet food pouches will be collected from approximately 6,500 households.
Plastic bags and wrapping will be collected from some Coalville homes in a recycling trial.
More than 6,500 homes in North West Leicestershire will be able to recycle plastic bags with their normal recycling as part of a national trial.
Plastics such as carrier bags, sweet wrappers, crisp packets, plastic film, bubble wrap, pet food pouches and more will be collected from approximately 6,500 households.
Councillor Michael Wyatt, NWLDC Portfolio Holder for Community and Climate Change, said: “This is a brilliant opportunity for us to trial the collection of plastic wrapping and support the future of collections across the country.
“We’ve selected areas in Coalville, Greenhill and more rural parts of the district to make sure we have different types of homes taking part. The system has been designed to be as simple as possible, with packs of bags provided to households that can be put out with their red boxes and blue bags.”
The new service will start on 13 March for selected homes on a Wednesday collection day, including a variety of housing types. Those on the trial will receive information on how to use the new plastic bags and wrapping collection service, together with purple collection bags before the service starts.
Currently, the only way to recycle plastic bags and wrapping in North West Leicestershire is at supermarket collection points.