Work has started on preparing draft designs for a £1.2 million regeneration scheme in Shepshed town centre.
Charnwood Borough Council say they're working closely with the Shepshed Town Team, with support from Shepshed Town Council on a public realm improvement scheme which will help make the town centre more attractive for visitors and help boost trade of local shops and businesses.
Work has started on preparing draft detailed designs for the scheme and the Council will be consulting with local shops and businesses and residents for their feedback and views later in the summer.
The project will consider a range of improvements to the public realm in Market Place to create a distinctive gateway into the town centre. The improvements being considered include increasing the amount of public space so special events can be hosted in Market Place, together with wider footpaths next to the shops, additional street furniture, improved landscaping and provision for cycle parking. The project will also consider a range of landscaping improvements around the Bull Ring, Hall Croft and Field Street to enhance the attractiveness and local identity of the town centre.
Councillor Jonathan Morgan, lead member for regeneration said: “Although this project is still in the early stages and there is still some work to be done, the funding is in place and this is an exciting investment for Shepshed.
“This scheme will help to make the town centre more attractive for visitors and generate an increase in footfall for local businesses. We know the past few months have been difficult for local traders during the coronavirus pandemic and this project will form an important part of the town’s recovery.
“We have been working closely with the Town Team and Town Council on the initial concept ideas which will now be used to draw up more detailed designs. We’re hoping these will be available later this summer and we will be keen to gather feedback from residents and local traders through a consultation.”
The Shepshed Town Centre Project forms part of the Shepshed Town Centre Masterplan which sets out how the town centre could develop.
Andy Marston, chairman of Shepshed Town Team said: “We are really pleased to be working alongside Shepshed Town Council and the borough council on these initial plans for a project which will enhance the town centre.
“This is an exciting investment for Shepshed and the project will see a number of improvements made which will benefit both visitors and local businesses in the area.
“We will be keen to gather views from residents and businesses once the more detailed plans are available.”
Peter Grainger, chairman of Shepshed Town Council said: “The £1.2 million of funding has been allocated from the Council’s capital plan and additional funds were secured through the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership.
Charnwood Borough Council has appointed Wood plc, based in Leamington Spa, to prepare the detailed scheme design for public realm improvements in Shepshed town centre.
The Council hopes draft detailed designs for the scheme will be available later this summer when a formal consultation will be launched to gather people’s views.