Businesses in North West Leicestershire can now apply for a grant of up to £3,000 through the Local Restrictions Support Grant Fund.
Non-essential businesses including retail, leisure, personal care, sports facilities and hospitality businesses that are ratepayers and have been forced to close until 2 December, may be eligible.
North West Leicestershire District Council says a single grant, administered by them, will be paid to each eligible business to cover the four-week national lockdown period.
Grant amounts are fixed and rates are:
• For properties with a rateable value of £15k and under: payment of £1,334
• For properties with a rateable value of over £15k and below £51k: payment of £2,000
• For properties with a rateable value of £51k and over: payment of £3,000
North West Leicestershire businesses can find more information and apply for the grant online at www.nwleics.gov.uk/businesssupport
NWLDC is also in the process of reviewing national guidance in regards to the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG), which is a discretionary scheme aimed at supporting those businesses who may have to close but do not have a rateable value, or to businesses that are severely impacted rather than closed.
All information around the discretionary ARG scheme, eligibility and the application process will be uploaded to NWLDC’s website towards the end of the month: www.nwleics.gov.uk/businesssupport
Councillor Tony Gillard, Portfolio Holder for Business and Regeneration from NWLDC said: “We understand that our local businesses will be impacted as a result of the national lockdown and it’s important that we continue to provide support to help keep livelihoods afloat.
“The Local Restrictions Support Grant has been designed to provide financial stability to the businesses that have been forced to close and support our local economy.
“Our finance teams will work as quickly as possible to ensure that our local businesses receive their grants, giving them the support they need at a critical time. If your business has closed until 2 December, please go onto our website to check your eligibility.”