Roberts Travel Group have furloughed more than 100 staff and cancelled holidays until early August because of the coronavirus pandemic.
A coach travel company in Leicestershire says they're hopeful of some holidays returning at the end of the year.
That's if the coronavirus restrictions continue to ease further.
Roberts Travel Group have furloughed more than 100 staff and cancelled holidays until early August because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The company continued with keyworker school runs throughout the pandemic and their park and ride services have also re-started.
The coach company was set up 25 years ago.
Managing Director, Jonathan hunt said: "The holiday side of the business was our flapship, it had been doing really well the last couple of years.
It's probably the hardest hit throughout but we've been very lucky with the passengers that we've had, have transferred mainly for holidays into next year.
We are hopeful of holidays returning at the end of this year, getting people out around the UK coastal resorts towards the end of the year."